VR Playable Races

At present only one race is available for play. Over the next couple of months, we will also be adding grey elves to this list. If you are interested in playing a grey elf, please contact us!


Humans are the most common race. The overwhelming majority of a player's encounters in Viking Roads will be with other human characters. The preponderance of humans should not blind a player to the great diversity among humans when it comes to culture and religion.

Gray Elves

Correspondence to the King of England provides, perhaps the best resource for what the perception of Gray Elves were and provides the foundation for how they will be played in the game. We can conclude from this letter that the Gray Elves are generally hostile to all humans not of Norse origin. No Gray Elf should expect a warm reception from any non-Norse human and all non-Norse humans should also expect an encounter with a Gray Elf to be hazardous.

The Letter to the King of England

My dear Charles, King by the grace of God,

In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ greetings from the great monastery!

I am writing you this brief epistle to inform you of a growing threat to the east. We have received numerous reports from travelers of strange activity along the Elbe River. It would seem that a group of brigands is quite active in that vicinity. They are extremely fair skinned, blonde or silver haired, lithe and agile, and short of stature. Most of them stand no more than 5 feet tall. We have received reports of increasing numbers of Norsemen among their number. Most of the short brigands seem to be female.

After questioning several monks of Saxon birth, brought to knowledge of the our Lord Jesus by your tender mercies we have pieced together the following theory:

The heathens roundabout and to the north maintain that there are water and wood sprites, who, if their shawl be taken whilst they bathe nude, can be compelled to mate with mortal men. The offspring of these matings are almost always female and usually long-lived. (Their mothers shall live until the day of judgment at which time they shall be banished to the fires of eternal damnation with the rest of demon kind.) Over the centuries there seems to have developed a race of these creatures, known to the heathen as "Gray Elves", as they are neither of the black elf or white elf race.

To your God fearing Christian servants they are a scourge! They waylay travelers, and steal Christian babes to be raised as their own. They are most adept at hiding. Local efforts to track them down have proven fruitless. I beg thee therefore. In the name of our Lord and His Virgin Mother, I beseech thee. Gird up thy loins. Take up thy mighty sword Joyeux and lead thy Paladins forth to hunt down and smite these wretched demon spawned creatures that your servants in eastern Germany may live in peace!

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